Monday, June 11, 2007

Conditionals in Translation

Conditional Type I ( if + Simple Present, will-Future ) {Real Possibility } :

if ----> إن
whatever ---> مهما
whenever ---.> مكان حيثما
however ----> كيفما ( كيفية)
however ----> مهما
however --- > مهما ( مدى القدرة )
otherwise --- > و إلا ( تحذير )
whoever ---> أى

Conditional Type II ( if + Simple Past, Conditional I (= would + Infinitive) ) { imaginary present \ unlikely future } :

If --- > إن ( أقل إحتمالية من الحالة الأولى)

Conditional Type III ( if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle) ) { Imaginary past } :

If ----> لو
If --- > لولا

Conditinal If Type zero
( The simple present tense is the tense use in both clauses) {
( The zero conditional is a structure used for talking about general truths, or scientific facts -- things which always happen under certain conditions. ) ( A zero conditional sentence consists of two clauses, an "if" clause and a main clause (note that most zero conditional sentences will mean the same thing if "when" is used instead of "if" ) }

If --- > إذا ( إحتمال قوى جدا )

Other Notes:

If only ----> لولا ( regret ) (2nd condition)

---- > إذا (Hypothesis ) (3rd condition)

* First type is used with idioms and الأقوال المأثورة

* Wish ( regret -ve connotation ) يتمنى

* Hope ( +ve connotation ) يرجو

1 comment:

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